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Teen Patti Game: How Play & Win 3 Patti Game, Tips & Tricks

Teen Patti (3 Patti), also known as “Three Cards” or “Flush,” is a popular card game played in India. It is a gambling game that is often played during festive occasions and social gatherings. Teen Patti is similar to the British game of Three Card Brag and the American game of Poker.

In the Teen Patti (3 Patti) game, each player is dealt three cards, and the goal is to have the best hand compared to the other players at the table. The ranking of hands follows a hierarchy similar to traditional poker, with the highest-ranking hand being a trail (three of a kind), followed by a pure sequence (straight flush), sequence (straight), color (flush), and pair. The lowest-ranking hand is a high card.

Table of Contents

The Teen Patti Game begins with an initial bet placed by each player. The betting continues in a clockwise manner, with players having the option to either match the previous bet or increase it. Players can also choose to fold and forfeit their cards if they believe their hand is weak. The winner is determined at the end of the betting rounds when all remaining players reveal their cards, and the player with the highest-ranking hand takes the pot.

Teen Patti Game requires a combination of strategy, skill, and a bit of luck. Players must assess their own hand’s strength, observe the betting patterns of others, and make calculated decisions accordingly. The game can be played with a small group of friends or in larger tournaments with higher stakes.

While Teen Patti (3 Patti Game) is primarily a gambling game, it is also enjoyed for its social aspect. Players often engage in lively conversations and banter during the game, adding to the overall entertainment value.

Overall, Teen Patti (3 Patti)is a thrilling and fast-paced card game that has become a cherished pastime in India. Its blend of skill, luck, and social interaction makes it a favorite choice for players looking for an exciting gambling experience.


To play Teen Patti (also known as 3 Patti or Flush), follow these steps:

1. Gather players

Start by gathering a group of 3 to 6 players. The game can also be played with more participants if desired.

2. Deck of cards

Use a standard 52-card deck without jokers. If you have more players, you can combine two decks.

3. Dealer selection

Determine the first dealer. This can be done through mutual agreement, a random draw, or any other method.

4. Ante

Before the game begins, all players must contribute an equal amount of money to the pot. This initial contribution is called the “ante.”

5. Deal the cards

The dealer shuffles the deck and distributes three cards face down to each player, one card at a time, in a clockwise direction.

6. Betting rounds

The game consists of several betting rounds. The player to the left of the dealer starts the betting by either placing a bet or choosing to fold (forfeiting their cards). The betting then continues in a clockwise manner.

7. Betting options

During each betting round, players can choose from various betting options. They can either “see” the current bet, match the amount, “raise” the bet by increasing the amount, or “fold” if they believe their hand is weak. The betting continues until all players have either matched the highest bet or folded.

8. Showdown

Once the betting rounds are complete, the remaining players reveal their cards, and the player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. The hand rankings follow a hierarchy similar to poker, with a trail (three of a kind) being the highest, followed by a pure sequence (straight flush), sequence (straight), color (flush), and pair. The lowest-ranking hand is a high card.

9. Side pot

In case a player goes “all-in” (bets all their remaining chips) and there are additional bets made by other players, a side pot is created. The main pot is contested by all players, while the side pot is only eligible for the remaining players who contributed to it.

10. New dealer

After the winner claims the pot, the next player in the clockwise direction becomes the new dealer, and the game continues with a new round.


Teen Patti (3 Patti) is a popular card game that involves both skill and luck. The objective of the game is to have the best hand compared to the other players at the table. Here are the step-by-step rules for playing Teen Patti:

  1. Each player places an equal amount of money into the pot as an “ante.”
  2. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals three cards face-down to each player, one card at a time in a clockwise direction.
  3. The game consists of several betting rounds, with players having the option to either “see” the current bet (match it), “raise” the bet by increasing the amount, or “fold” if they believe their hand is weak.
  4. The betting continues in a clockwise manner until all players have either matched the highest bet or folded.
  5. At the end of the betting rounds, the remaining players reveal their cards, and the player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot.
  6. The hand rankings in 3 Patti follow a hierarchy similar to traditional poker.
  7. The highest-ranking hand is a “trail” or “set,” which consists of three cards of the same rank.
  8. The next highest is a “pure sequence” or “straight flush,” which is a sequence of three cards of the same suit.
  9. A “sequence” or “straight” is the next highest hand, followed by a “color” or “flush,” which is three cards of the same suit.
  10. The lowest-ranking hand is a “pair,” which consists of two cards of the same rank, and if no player has any of these hands, the highest-ranking single card determines the winner.

Teen Patti (3 Patti) Game offers an exciting and social experience, often played during festive occasions, gatherings, or friendly competitions. So, players must assess the strength of their own hand, observe the betting patterns of others, and make strategic decisions during the betting rounds to win the game.


Here are some 3 PATTI GAME TRICKS:

  1. Start with a strong hand: Always start with a hand that has a good combination of cards. This will give you a better chance of winning the game.
  2. Be observant: Keep an eye on the cards that are being played and try to remember them. This will help you make better decisions when it’s your turn to play.
  3. Play conservatively: Don’t be too aggressive with your bets. Instead, play conservatively and try to stay in the game for as long as possible.
  4. Bluff strategically: Bluffing can be a powerful tool in 3 Patti, but use it strategically. Don’t bluff too often or it will lose its effectiveness.
  5. Know when to fold: Sometimes it’s better to fold and wait for a better hand than to keep playing with a weak hand.
  6. Pay attention to your opponents: Try to read your opponents’ body language and behavior to get a sense of their confidence level and the strength of their hands.
  7. Manage your bankroll: Set a budget for how much you’re willing to spend and stick to it. Don’t get carried away with your bets and risk more than you can afford.
  8. Take breaks: If you find yourself getting frustrated or losing focus, take a break from the game and come back refreshed.
  9. Practice makes perfect: The more you play 3 Patti, the better you’ll get at it. Take advantage of free games or practice modes to hone your skills.
  10. Stay positive: Remember that luck plays a role in 3 Patti, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t win every game. Stay positive and keep practicing.


Teen Patti, also known as 3 Patti or Flush, has gained popularity in India with various regional variations. Here are some of the most common Teen Patti variations:

1. Muflis

In this variation, the hand rankings are reversed. The lowest-ranking hand becomes the highest, and the highest-ranking hand becomes the lowest. For example, the highest-ranking hand in Muflis is a high card, and the lowest-ranking hand is a trail (three of a kind). This adds a new level of strategy to the game as players need to adjust their gameplay accordingly.

2. AK47

In AK47, specific cards hold special significance. The Aces (A), Kings (K), Fours (4), and Sevens (7) are considered powerful cards. If a player holds any combination of these cards, their hand is considered stronger. For example, having an Ace, King, Four, and Seven of any suit is a powerful hand. This variation adds excitement and strategic value to the game.

3. Lowest Joker

In this variation, one or more cards are designated as jokers, and they hold the lowest rank in the game. Players can use jokers to complete sequences or sets. For example, if the Two of Spades is designated as the joker, it can be used as a substitute for any other card and considered the lowest rank when comparing hands..

4. Wild Draw

In Wild Draw, a specific card is designated as the wild card. This card can be used to complete any sequence or set, and it holds the same rank as the card it replaces. For example, if the Queen of Hearts is the wild card and a player has a 3, 4, Wild (Queen of Hearts), the Wild will be considered a 5 to complete a sequence. This variation adds unpredictability and more possibilities for players to create winning hands.

5. Best-of-Four

In this variation, players are dealt four cards instead of three. However, during the showdown, players can only use three of their four cards to make the best hand. This variation adds complexity to the game as players need to decide which three cards to use and which card to discard.

6. Discard One

In Discard One, after the initial three-card deal, players are allowed to discard one of their cards and receive a replacement from the deck. This variation adds an extra element of strategy as players have the opportunity to improve their hands by discarding a weaker card and potentially getting a better one.

These variations add diversity and excitement to the game of Teen Patti (3 Patti), allowing players to explore different strategies and adapt their gameplay. It’s important to clarify the rules and variations before starting the game to ensure everyone is on the same page and can enjoy the Teen Patti experience to the fullest.


Betting in Teen Patti (also known as 3 Patti) is an integral part of the game, adding excitement and strategic decision-making. The betting process follows a series of rounds, with players taking turns to make their bets or decisions.

At the beginning of the game, players contribute an equal amount of money to the pot as an “ante.” This establishes the initial pot size and ensures that all players have a stake in the game. Once the ante is in place, the betting rounds begin.

During each betting round, players have several betting options available to them. The most common options include “see,” “raise,” and “fold.”

To “see” means a player wants to continue playing and remain in the hand. They match the amount of the highest bet made by the previous player. For example, if the previous player bet 100, the current player must also bet 100 to see their cards and continue in the game.

“Raise” is when a player wants to increase the current bet. They choose to raise the bet by adding more money to the pot. The subsequent players then have to match or exceed this new bet amount if they want to continue playing. For example, if the previous player bet 100 and the current player raises the bet to 200, the following players must bet at least 200 to stay in the game.

“Folding” is an option for a player who believes their hand is weak or doesn’t want to continue in the game. By folding, they forfeit their cards and drop out of the current hand. They will no longer be eligible to win the pot but are also not required to contribute further to the betting.

The betting rounds continue in a clockwise manner, with players making their decisions based on their assessment of their hand’s strength, the bets made by other players, and their overall strategy. The game progresses until all players have either matched the highest bet or folded. At the end of the betting rounds, the remaining players reveal their cards, and the player with the highest-ranking hand takes the pot.

Betting in Teen Patti requires strategic thinking, observation of opponents, and calculated risk-taking. Players must assess the strength of their hand, anticipate the moves of others, and make well-informed decisions during the betting rounds to maximize their chances of winning the pot.


While Teen Patti (3 Patti) is a game of both skill and luck, there are a few tricks and strategies that can potentially improve your chances of winning. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Know the game and hand rankings

Familiarize yourself with the hand rankings in Teen Patti. Understand which hands are stronger and the probability of getting them. This knowledge will help you make better decisions during the betting rounds and assess the strength of your own hand compared to others.

2. Start with conservative betting

In the early rounds, it’s often wise to start with conservative betting. This allows you to gauge the strength of your opponents’ hands without risking too much money. Observing the betting patterns and behaviors of other players can provide valuable information for making strategic decisions later in the game.

3. Manage your bankroll

Set a limit on how much money you are willing to risk and stick to it. Avoid getting carried away by emotions or trying to recoup losses quickly. It’s essential to manage your bankroll wisely and make calculated bets based on your hand strength and the overall flow of the game.

4. Use bluffing strategically

Bluffing can be a powerful tool in Teen Patti if used strategically. By betting confidently and convincingly, you may be able to intimidate your opponents into folding, even if your hand is not the strongest. However, bluff sparingly and choose your moments wisely to maintain credibility and catch your opponents off guard.

5. Pay attention to opponents

Observe the behavior, betting patterns, and body language of your opponents. Look for signs of confidence or hesitation that may indicate the strength or weakness of their hands. This information can guide your betting decisions and help you make more accurate assessments of the situation.

6. Play selectively and be patient

Don’t feel compelled to play every hand. Be selective about the hands you choose to play and fold when your hand seems weak. Patience is key in Teen Patti, as you wait for favorable hands and opportunities to maximize your chances of winning.

7. Avoid emotional decisions

Keep your emotions in check while playing. Making impulsive or emotional decisions based on frustration, excitement, or desperation can lead to poor choices and potential losses. Stay calm, focused, and make rational decisions based on the information available

Remember, winning in the Teen Patti game is never guaranteed as it ultimately depends on luck. However, by employing these strategies and practicing sound decision-making, you can improve your overall gameplay and increase your chances of success in the long run.


In Teen Patti (also known as 3 Patti), hand rankings determine the strength of a player’s hand. Understanding these rankings is crucial for making strategic decisions during the game. The hand rankings in Teen Patti follow a hierarchy similar to traditional poker, with some variations.

  1. The highest-ranking hand in Teen Patti is a “trail” or “set.” This hand consists of three cards of the same rank. For example, having three Aces (AAA) or three Kings (KKK) is a trail. If multiple players have a trail, the one with the highest-ranking cards wins.
  2. The next highest-ranking hand is a “pure sequence” or “straight flush.” This hand consists of three consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, 4-5-6 of Hearts or 10-Jack-Queen of Spades. If there are multiple pure sequences, the one with the highest-ranking cards wins.
  3. Following the pure sequence is a “sequence” or “straight.” This hand consists of three consecutive cards of any suit. For example, 3-4-5 of any suit or 8-9-10 of any suit. In case of multiple sequences, the one with the highest-ranking cards wins.
  4. Another hand ranking is the “color” or “flush.” This hand consists of three cards of the same suit. For example, having three Hearts or three Diamonds. If multiple players have a color, the one with the highest-ranking cards wins.
  5. If none of the above hands are achieved, the hand with the highest-ranking single card wins. For instance, if no player has a trail, pure sequence, sequence, or color, the player with the highest single card, such as an Ace or King, wins the pot.
  6. Knowing the hand rankings in Teen Patti allows players to assess the strength of their own hand, make informed betting decisions, and strategize accordingly to maximize their chances of winning the pot.


Teen Patti Game Tips: Teen Patti is a popular card game in India that requires skill and strategy to win. If you’re looking to improve your Teen Patti game, here are some Teen Patti Game Tips to keep in mind:

  1. Understand the Rules: Before you start playing, make sure you understand the rules of the game. Teen Patti is a variation of poker and requires players to make the best possible three-card hand.
  2. Observe Your Opponents: Pay attention to your opponents’ behavior and body language to try and gauge their hand. This can give you an advantage when deciding whether to bet or fold.
  3. Manage Your Bankroll: It’s important to manage your bankroll and not bet more than you can afford to lose. Set a budget for your gaming session and stick to it.
  4. Know When to Fold: Don’t be afraid to fold if you don’t have a good hand. It’s better to lose a small bet than to risk losing your entire bankroll.
  5. Bluff Wisely: Bluffing can be an effective strategy in Teen Patti, but it should be used sparingly. Only bluff when you have a good read on your opponents and when the stakes are high.
  6. Play Aggressively: If you have a good hand, don’t be afraid to play aggressively and raise the stakes. This can put pressure on your opponents and force them to fold.
  7. Stay Focused: Teen Patti requires concentration and focus. Avoid distractions and stay focused on the game at hand.

By following these Teen Patti Game Tips, you can improve your Teen Patti game and increase your chances of winning. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep playing and honing your skills.


In Teen Patti (also known as 3 Patti), a “sequence” refers to a hand consisting of three consecutive cards of any suit. Sequences can be formed in various ways, and they hold a significant value in the hand rankings. For example, a sequence can include cards like 3-4-5 of any suit or 8-9-10 of any suit. It’s important to note that sequences in Teen Patti do not have to be of the same suit, unlike pure sequences (straight flush).

Sequences are ranked third in the hierarchy of hand rankings in Teen Patti, following trails (sets) and pure sequences (straight flush). When multiple players have sequences, the winner is determined by comparing the highest-ranking card in their respective sequences. The player with the highest-ranking card in their sequence takes the pot.

Sequences require a combination of both luck and skill. Recognizing the potential for a sequence in your hand and making strategic betting decisions based on its strength is key to succeeding in Teen Patti. As the game progresses and more cards are revealed, players can adjust their strategies to maximize the chances of completing or improving their sequences.


3 Patti Hierarchy: Based on your input, it seems like you are interested in learning about the 3 Patti hierarchy in the game.

In 3 Patti, also known as Teen Patti, the hierarchy of hands from highest to lowest is as follows:

  1. Trail or Set – Three cards of the same rank, such as three Aces.
  2. Pure Sequence – Three consecutive cards of the same suit, such as Ace, King, and Queen of Hearts.
  3. Sequence – Three consecutive cards not all in the same suit, such as Ace of Spades, King of Hearts, and Queen of Clubs.
  4. Color – Any three cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
  5. Pair – Two cards of the same rank.
  6. High Card – The highest card in your hand if you do not have any of the above combinations.

It is important to note that in case of a tie between two players, the player with the higher ranking cards wins.


To withdraw cash from an online Teen Patti platform, you would typically need to navigate to the “Cashier” or “Withdrawal” section of the website or app. From there, you may be required to provide certain details, such as your bank account information or any other requested verification documents.

The platform will likely have its own specific rules and requirements for cash withdrawals, such as minimum withdrawal limits or processing times. It is advisable to review the platform’s terms and conditions or contact customer support for precise instructions on how to withdraw cash.

It’s important to note that online gambling or real-money gaming regulations can vary by jurisdiction, and it’s crucial to ensure that you are using a reputable and licensed platform that complies with the applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, responsible gambling practices should always be followed, and it’s essential to gamble within your means.


In some instances, Teen Patti (3 Patti) games may allow players to participate with real money and offer payment options such as Paytm cash. Paytm is a popular digital wallet and payment service in India that allows users to make online transactions, including sending and receiving money.

If you are playing Teen Patti with real money and using Paytm as the payment method, you would typically follow the specific instructions provided by the platform or app you are using. Here is a general overview of how Paytm cash transactions might work:

  1. Account Setup: Ensure that you have a Paytm account and have sufficient funds available in your Paytm wallet to participate in real-money Teen Patti games.
  2. Deposit: Navigate to the deposit or cashier section of the Teen Patti platform or app. Select the Paytm option and enter the desired deposit amount. Follow the instructions provided to link your Paytm account and complete the transaction.
  3. Withdrawal: If you win money in Teen Patti and wish to withdraw your funds as Paytm cash, go to the withdrawal or cashier section of the platform or app. Select the Paytm withdrawal option and enter the amount you want to withdraw. Follow the instructions provided to initiate the withdrawal process.
  4. Verification: Depending on the platform’s policies and regulations, you may be required to complete a verification process to ensure the security and legality of the transaction. This may involve providing additional documentation or fulfilling any identity verification requirements.

It’s important to note that the availability and regulations surrounding real-money Teen Patti games and Paytm cash transactions can vary based on your jurisdiction and the platform you are using. It’s essential to use reputable and licensed platforms that comply with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, always gamble responsibly, within your means, and ensure you understand the terms and conditions of the platform you are using for real-money transactions.


Welcome to Teen Patti Game FAQ. Here, you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions related to Teen Patti game. We aim to provide you with accurate and useful information that will enhance your gaming experience.

In English, 3 Patti is commonly referred to as “Teen Patti”.

To play 3 Patti in real life, each player is dealt three cards face down. The objective is to have the best three-card hand possible. Players can bet on their hand’s strength or choose to fold and forfeit their bet. The game continues until one player has all the chips or until a predetermined number of rounds have been played.

The highest card in 3 Patti is the Ace, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3.

There are no colours that are inherently higher than others in 3 Patti.

The lowest card in 3 Patti is the 2.

The blind rule in 3 Patti is when players must bet a predetermined amount before seeing their cards.

In 3 Patti, a hand of three 9s is called “999” and is considered one of the strongest hands.

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